Friday, March 14, 2025

Pratima Singh inspected the district level sports competitions at Indira Gandhi Stadium

Report By | Hafiz MD. Fasee Uddin

Medak(May, 24) : Additional Collector of Local Bodies Pratima Singh on Wednesday inspected the district level sports competitions being held at the local boys’ junior college grounds and the Indira Gandhi Stadium. First, the volleyball, handball and kabaddi competitions held in the junior college and the long jump competitions held today in the stadium were started.

Speaking on this occasion, the state government has decided to bring out the sports skills of the rural youth. She said that the sports competition is being organized in the name of Cup-2023. As part of that, the winners of the sports competitions held at mandal level from 15th to 17th of this month will be organized at district level from 20th to 22nd.

The sports persons who win these competitions hope to make their Chatti district famous in the state level competitions from 29th to 31st of this month.
District Youth Welfare Officer Nagaraj, physical education teachers and others participated in this program.

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