Wednesday, March 12, 2025

GRP & RPF Secunderabad Recover Rs. 21.6 Lakh Worth of Stolen Gold

Hyderabad : In a significant operation, the Secunderabad Railway Police, in coordination with the Railway Protection Force (RPF), arrested Sultan, an interstate property offender from Haryana, on 30th August 2024. The arrest was made following a theft of 30 tulas of gold ornaments, valued at Rs. 21.6 lakh, from a passenger’s bag in a running train near Secunderabad Railway Station on 29th February 2024.

Sultan and his accomplice, Joginder (still absconding), are habitual offenders known for targeting passengers in trains. Authorities lauded the efforts of the police team responsible for the arrest and recovery.

B.Saieashwar Goud, IRP/SHO along with K. Mahipal Reddy RHC 75, B.Harilal, RPC 621, K.Bhavani Shankar RPC 489, SK.Nagu Basha RPC 111, Rajashekar RPC 159 of RPS Secunderabad in co-ordination with RPF staff Bhavani Shankar Saraswath IPF/SC, G. Govind Naidu SIPF/SC Post, Surjeeth RPF/CIB, Constable, Yogendhar Kumar RPF/SC, Veerender Singh RPF/SC/CPT, Ramkishore Kasana RPF/SC/CPT apprehended the accused person under the supervision of Chandana Deepti IPS, Supdt. of Railway Police and S.N. Jawed, DSRP SC(U). IGP Railway and Road Safety K.Ramesh Naidu, IPS appreciated the officers and men of GRP Secunderabad and they will be rewarded suitably.

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