Hyderabad : On Friday, Additional Director General of Police (Law & Order) Mahesh M Bhagwat attended a Basic Life Support (BLS) program as the chief guest at the DGP office. The course, conducted by medical experts from Yashoda Hospital, focused on enhancing awareness and training staff in critical health and emergency management skills, including CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation).
Dr. Suresh Kumar, Dr. Sneha, and Dr. Sujith led the session, providing hands-on training in life-saving techniques and emphasizing emergency precautions.
Addressing the participants, Mahesh M Bhagwat underscored the importance of the skills taught during the BLS program, encouraging attendees to not only use these techniques in emergencies but also to teach them to their families. He stressed that even small efforts could save lives, transforming individuals into heroes for those they help.
The event was attended by AIG Ramanakumar, other officials, and staff members of the DGP office.